♫ Ice Cube - Bop Gun (One Nation) ♪
Une petite rétrospective du mois de mars !
Les beaux jours étaient au rendez-vous ; ainsi que les giboulées -toujours aussi plaisant de se recevoir un mélange de pluie-grêle bien froides et violentes dessus, haha.
Cela dit, c'était une période riche en bons moments: soleil, soirées animées, shootings, fous-rires, retrouvailles entre amis, floraison du printemps, shopping et famille... Je pense que tout cela s'est ressenti sur le blog, vous êtes plusieurs à m'avoir fait remarquer ce renouveau de légèreté, d'inspiration et de bonne humeur au travers de mes articles :)
Néanmoins, ce mois fut très décisif et troublant par rapport à mon orientation future, mais je vous en parlerai dans un prochain article !
Et vous, avez-vous passé un agréable mois de mars ? Quels bons souvenirs en gardez-vous ?
L'arrivée du printemps vous réjouit-elle autant que moi ?
Exprimez-vous ! ;)
J'espère que vous apprécierez ces photographies, n'hésitez pas à commenter pour une question ou donner votre avis. A très vite !♥
08/03/14. Me & my friend Camille during a warm and sunny afternoon in Bordeaux. She is a real magician when it comes to photographs and paintings !
I have so many lovely and talented friends I would love to introduce you but they never want to be photographed -and I'm not really good at sneaking around people for a photo, haha.
My little sister of nine years old gave me this cross and told me "I know you like old stuff and crosses, so I took it for you" -how lovely. I don't know where it comes from but anyway I think it's cool with my spiky necklace.
However, on the first day I wore it in the street, a woman asked me to pray for her cause I had a cross, then I had to explain her that I don't believe in any God... This was really embarassing ; I hadn't realized how much a cross can be seen as such a religious element.
My little sister of nine years old gave me this cross and told me "I know you like old stuff and crosses, so I took it for you" -how lovely. I don't know where it comes from but anyway I think it's cool with my spiky necklace.
However, on the first day I wore it in the street, a woman asked me to pray for her cause I had a cross, then I had to explain her that I don't believe in any God... This was really embarassing ; I hadn't realized how much a cross can be seen as such a religious element.
13/03/14. My elder sister and I went out for some shopping and frozen yogurt -better than ice-cream though- and I totally got mad for these pastels at Zara: I'm craving for a yellow coat, a baby blue dress and a pink everything !
17/03/14 Finally decided to go to the hairdresser after many thoughts... Some of my friends miss my long hair but it is Spring and I need some changes !
Look how I wear daisies everywhere -even on my cuff♥
I also bought this 80's denim jacket at Freep'Show -definitely the best place in Bordeaux to shop some cool vintage stuff while listening to the coolest groovy hip-hop songs.
(Comment j'la joue trop rebelle à mon balcon).
28/03/14 In the mood for blue, flowers and... mirrors ?
I also love this antique lamp my aunt just placed in her house♥
30/03/14. Can't get enough of this cosy vintage sweater Marine gave me, hah.
Je ne peux plus me passer de ce pull vintage que m'a donné Marine, haha.
Il est si chaud et confortable... :)
How I look so delighted around the cherry blossom trees...
My dear Marine celebrated her sixteenth birthday on Monday the 31st...♥
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