Je manque un peu d'inspiration niveau looks en ce moment, et je vous avoue que je passe mon temps en ville quand je ne suis pas en cours ou en train de réviser à la bibliothèque de ma fac (oui je sais ça sonne comme une grosse blague venant de ma part mais c'est la triste vérité) ;)
Mais heureusement, il me reste quelques séries à vous présenter, dont la seconde partie de ma collaboration avec Antoine, que je vous avez déjà présenté dans cet article. Plus sombres et automnales, j'aimais beaucoup le ton de ces photos (j'ai les cheveux auburn hihi), j'espère qu'elles vous plairont également !
Merci au photographe pour ces jolis clichés !♥
To be honest I've been lately lacking inspiration for my outfits - it's hard to create new looks when you can't always buy new clothes, and I've been quite busy with my studies and of course, seeing my friends and meeting new photographers - but it's all for the good of this blog, dear readers ;)
Luckily I still got some shoots waiting to be shown and here's the second part of my work with the talented and super-kind Antoine, whom I already talked about in this article. These pictures are darker and more autumnal than the previous but I hope you will like them :)
Back to the start again.
Like the apple and the snake,
In this garden of Eden,
You were the temptress & he was the sinner.
Blame it on you, girl.
You lost the game so powerful,
When he was victorious in his mercy.
Like the apple and the snake,
In this garden of Eden,
You were the temptress & he was the sinner.
Blame it on you, girl.
You lost the game so powerful,
When he was victorious in his mercy.