" Yah, you never said a word
You didn't send me no letter,
Don't think I could forgive you.
See, our world is slowly dying,
And I am wasting no more time,
Don't think I could believe you ~
Yah, our hands will get more wrinkled
And our hair will be grey,
Don't think I could forgive you.
And see, the children are starving
And their houses were destroyed,
Don't think they could forgive you ~
Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no more,
Don't think you can forgive you ~
Yeah, when there'll just be silence
And when life will be over,
Don't think you will forgive you "
19/09/14 - Pau
Cette chanson je la connais depuis un moment, mais je n'avais jamais prêté attention aux paroles avant d'entendre son remix qui passe partout. A vrai dire je trouve ça assez absurde d'en faire un tube "dance" car c'est une chanson triste qui parle de Dieu face aux malheurs du monde... Pas vraiment un sujet sur lequel on a envie de danser et faire la fête mais bon ce n'est qu'une remarque, peut-être avez-vous pensé la même chose si vous connaissiez l'original ;)
Sinon, voici quelques clichés pris lors d'une balade avec ma maman - adorable n'est-ce-pas - profitant d'un bien joli coucher de soleil sur les Pyrénées...
I knew this lovely song before the radio makes it a "dancefloor" hit and thought it was a bit strange regarding of the lyrics which are quite sad - I mean this song talks about God against the sadness and cruelty of life, how can you dance and party on it ? Well, it's more funny than dramatic but I was just a bit surprised to hear that - whatever ;)
Here are some pictures taken with my mum, while walking down our town and admiring the beauty of a sunset over the Pyrenees...
What ?
Plus je regarde cette photo et plus je me dis que fais vraiment peur quand je rigole, mais j'ai pensé que ça apporterait un peu de gaieté et de vie sur ce blog ;)